2022 stock assessment results
Scientists at UHI Shetland are currently working on the SSMO's stock assessment reports for 2023, which we hope to publish before summer to reveal the very latest data and analysis on Shetland's shellfish stocks.
The 2022 assessments showed a mixed picture for the seven inshore stocks that are landed commercially. Scallop stock levels continued their rise and 5.3 million scallops were landed during the year. But reports from fishermen during 2023 suggest this stock has weakened.
Velvet crab showed a rise in the level of landings per unit effort (LPUE) for 2022 but the effort put into the fishery had reduced.
Brown crab catches continued to fall in quantity and catch rate, raising some concerns which require further investigation. However, the fishery is not considered to be over-exploited.
Lobster landings fell to 20 tonnes with reduced effort on the stock and a drop in LPUE.
Summaries are available below and the full 64-page stock report is available to licence holders in the members' area of the website.
Stock assessment summaries: